Welcome to the Lafayette Band Store
Family Contribution with Spring Payment Plan option
Family contributions play an essential role in providing all students a positive and transformational Lafayette Band experience! To meet the needs of all our marchers, the LBA must receive contributions from families averaging $1300 for all students (winds, percussion, and color guard). Here on BoosterHub you can pay via credit card or ACH transfer from a checking account. Please select either a one-time payment or our Winter payment plan (make a first payment now, then once in March, April, and May).
Alternatively, you can make payment directly to the LBA via check made out to Lafayette Band Association. Checks may be left in the mailbox in the band room outside Mr. Bishop's office or mailed to LBA, PO Box 910450, Lexington, KY 40591. Lastly you may send digital payment via the LBA Paypal or Venmo accounts. Don't hesitate to email lbacharms@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
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